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Officer Outlook

Social Media Spotlight Form

Do you know a person or a lodge who you think should be highlighted on the national social media pages?...

Helping Arrowmen Find Their Next Adventure

Order of the Arrow High Adventure is an exciting opportunity for Arrowmen to embark on affordable adventures that give service...

Inductions for Every Scout

Kintecoying Lodge has found a unique way to include Scouts of varying backgrounds within their community to make the Ordeal...

Section Website Update

The national OA Technology committee has released an update regarding section websites. Section leaders, find out more about this change...

How to Write an Effective Speech

Leaders of the Order of the Arrow must write speeches for many occasions, such as banquets and elections. However, the...

Conducting an Effective Induction

As a lodge prepares for an induction weekend, its leaders must have the proper resources to plan and execute the...

Wood Badge at the Summit

In Scouting, one of the best courses for adult leaders is Woodbadge. It is a five-day training designed to help...

Red, White and Blue in Lodges - Arrowmen Representing Patriotism

Honoring those who have served our country is incredibly important. As Scouts and Arrowmen, we carry the duty to honor...

Policy Update: New Email for Award Nomination Submissions

The National Order of the Arrow Committee has recently implemented a change in the way award nominations are submitted. Learn...

Welcome Scott Lollar, the OA's New Program Assistant

Join us in welcoming our brand new Order of the Arrow National Program Assistant!...

Unit Elections Policy Update

Sometimes, youth are prevented from joining the OA because of errors in the unit election process. See below to learn...

Caddo Lodge: Preparing for Natural Disaster

National Preparedness Month is a federally recognized month dedicated to the encouragement of Americans to plan ahead in the case...